secular witchcraft
5307 N Minnesota Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97217
We are interested in zines that are based in DIY and punk ethics in regards to politics, content, production, and pricing. In an effort to keep zines accessible we prefer zines that are $5 retail or less.
Kinds of zines we are interested in:
-Perzines that fall into the “personal is political” with thoughtful narratives, especially zines with interesting and creative design & layout that suits the writing.
-Witchcraft zines that are not Wiccan and that are preferably secular witch friendly (also culturally sensitive, non-appropriative, historically accurate, and do not express views of gender essentialism.)
-Zines that cover a single issue that are well researched and explore unique topics and perspectives
-Thoughtfully put together zines exploring self-care
-Vegan cook zines
-DIY project zines
-Independently produced tarot and oracle decks
Kinds of zines that we are not particularly interested:
-Comics (unless you consider it a zine and the focus is a topics listed above), Poetry, Fiction, Photo, Art zines, Chapbooks
We hope it goes without saying that are not interested in zines expressing views of racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, religious intolerance, ageism, sizeism, and all other forms of discrimination.
If you think your zine might be a good fit with us please send one actual physical copy for distro consideration (no digital files) to the address below with a note stating the retail price, a short description of your zine, and a way to contact you. If there is no note we will assume you are just randomly sending a zine and we will donate it to a zine library.